Species général de Coléoptères, de la collection de M. le Comte Dejean.

Eur 1,250 / USD 1,300
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Paris, chez Crevot/ Méquignon-Marvis, 1825-1831. 5 volumes. Royal-8vo (197 x 125mm). pp. xxx, 463; viii, 501; vii, 556; vii,520; viii, 883. Contemporary half calf, gilt ornamented spines.

A letter from Dejean to Boisduval dated Paris, november 30th, 1834 is bound in

A very interesting association copy. A letter from Dejean to Boisduval dated Paris, november 30th, 1834 is bound in. Most probably the present set belonged to J.A. Boisduval who was Dejean's private curator. The set is as usually without the 6th volume published by Ch. Aubé. Some slight waterstaining. The name of L'Anglois appears at the foot of each volume, probably the name of the binder.

Horn-Schenkling 4601.