Dictionnaire oeconomique, contenant divers moyens d'augmenter son bien, et de conserver sa santé. Avec plusieurs remedes assurez et eprouvez, pour un tres grand nombre de maladies, & de beaux secrets pour parvenir à une longue & heureuse vieillesse. Quantité de moyens pour élever, nourrir, guérir & faire profiter toutes sortes d'animaux domestiques; comme Brebis, Moutons, Boeufs, Chevaux, Mulets, Poules, Abeilles, & Vers à soie. Differens filets pour la pêche de toutes sortes de poissons, & pour la chasse de toutes sortes d'oiseaux & animaux, &c. ...

Eur 3,800 / USD 3,900
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Amsterdam, Jean Cóvens & Corn. Mortier, 1732-1740. 4 volumes bound in 2 (including 2 supplementary volumes). Folio (385 x 250mm). pp. (8), including engraved coat of arms, 424; pp. (2), 400; pp. (8), 496; pp. (2), 482, with 12 (1 double page) engraved plates and numerous engravings and woodcuts in the text. Contemporary calf, richly decorated gilt spines in 8 compartments, blind tooled sides.

The work is an attractive illustrated dictionary of agriculture, treating, gardening, botany, hunting, breading of animals, bee-keeping, medicine, vineyards etc.

A beautifully bound copy of the 3rd augmented edition. The first edition appeared in 1709 and was printed in Lyon. The work became very popular and many editions followed, it was translated into Dutch, German and English. Noël Chomel was a student of La Quintinie, the gardener of Louis XIV. He became 'médicin ordinaire du Roi, et Professeur au Jardin royal' (Davy de Virville p. 104). The work is an attractive illustrated dictionary of agriculture, treating, gardening, botany, hunting, breading of animals, bee-keeping, medicine, vineyards etc. Chomel's work was brought by the Dutch to Japan and was translated into Japanese 'the encyclopedia that proved so useful to the Japanese' (Blussé a.o. Bridging the divide, 400 years The Netherlands - Japan, p. 111).

Vicaire 173; Oberlé, Une Bibl. Bachique, 85 (listing the 3rd Lyon edition).