Rariorum Stirpium Historia ex parte olim edita. Nunc centum plus tabulis, ex commentariis auctoris ab ejusdem nepotibus ampliata opus universum digessit, latine reddidit, supplevitque Cajetanus Montius.

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Bononiae, Ex Typographia Lealii a Vulpe, 1742. Folio (390 x 260mm). pp. (40), 247, with an engravedallegorical frontispiece and engraved portrait of Jacobus Zanonius, both engraved by Joseph de Benedictis after drawings by Dominicus Maria Fratta with 185 fine engraved plates. Recent vellum, with red and black lettering on spine.

The first Latin and best edition

A fine large uncut copy, with some contemporary marginalia in the outer margin. The first Latin and best edition. The Italian edition was first published in 1675 with only 80 plates. The present much enlarged edition contains an extensive biography of the author by Gaetano Monti, and deals to a large extent with rare species of Malabar (India). The descriptions of oriental plants are taken from a manuscript called "Plantarum imagines guas frater Mattheus a S. Joseph extraxit ex libro Saladini Artafa in urbe Balsora Indiarum Orientalium". Zanoni was director of the Bologna botanic gardens.

Nissen BBI, 2194; Pritzel 10459; Hunt 520.