General Zoology or Systematic Natural History: PISCES.
Eur 1,200 / USD 1,200
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London, G. Kearsley, 1803-1804. 4 volumes. Royal-8vo (212 x 132mm). pp. v, (2), 1- 192; xiii, (2),193-632; v, (2), 1- 250; vi, (2), 251-463, with 4 engraved sub-titles and 189 engraved plates of fishes. Contemporary red morocco, richlt gilt decorated spines, sides with gilt border, gilt edges (two hinges with old repair).
The complete section on fishes of Shaw's 'General Zoology' published in 14 vols from 1800-26. Georg Shaw (1751-1813) was joint founder and vice-president of the Linnaean Society. The fine plates are by Mr. Heath.
Provenance: Bookplates of W. Whitton and Revd. Daniel Winham.
B.M. (Nat. Hist.) IV, 1911.