L' école de la chasse aux chiens courans, précédée d'une Bibliotheque historique & critique des Théreuticographes.

Eur 2,800 / USD 2,900
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Rouen, Nicolas & Richard Lallemant, 1763. 2 parts bound in one. 8vo (195 x 120mm). pp. (2), viii,396, 14 of music, (2, blank); pp. ccxxvi, (2), with 24 wood engraved plates, some folding and some printed on both sides of a leaf. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gilt ornamented spine with red and green labels, some old repair to end of spine, upper hinge a bit weak.

This instructive book ranks with the classics on hunting

First edition. "This instructive book ranks with the classics on hunting..." (Schwerdt). The 'Bibliothèque historique et critique' includes a bibliography on hunting, compiled by the brothers Lallemant, from the antiquities right up into 18th century with hundreds of lengthy commentaries and a register that served as a valuable reference for the hunting bibliographies of the 19th century. Deals with coursing hare, deer, stags, wild boar, foxes, badgers and otters, with illustrations of animals and their tracks, antler etc. The wood engraved plates are beautifully executed.

Provenance: Bookplate of 'Bibliotheca Tiliana'.

Schwerdt I, 313; Souhart 298; Thiébaud 589.