Siben Bücher Von dem Feldbau, und vollkommener bestellung eynes ordenlichen Mayerhofs oder Landguts. Etwan von Carolo Stephano und Johanne Liebhalto der Artzenei Doctorn Frantzösisch beschrieben.... von dem Hochgelehrten Herren Melchiore Sebizio Silesio... inn Teutsch gebracht.

Eur 9,800 / USD 10,200
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Strassburg, B. Jobin, 1579. Folio (302 x 200mm). pp. (12), 643, (1), (34), title with attractive woodcut border and text printed in red and black, 1 large woodcut portrait and 30 large woodcuts in the text. Contemporary calf, spine with 4 raised bands.

Famous work on agriculture, gardening, cattle raising, as well as hunting and hawking

Very scarce first German edition of this famous work on agriculture, gardening, cattle raising, as well as hunting and hawking. Chapters XLV, XLVI and XLVII concern falconry. The work was first published as 'Praedium rusticum' 1554 by Carolus Stephanus (French Charles Estienne). An amazingly popular French version 'L'agriculture et maison rustique' was first published in Paris 1564, translated by his son-in-law, Jean Liébault, it became a Renaissance bestseller with at least 80 editions by the fall of Napoleon. The work was translated into the English, German, Dutch, Italian and Scandinavian languages. It is a veritable encyclopedia of country living, with large sections on orchards and fruit. Charles Estienne belonged to the famous dynasty of Parisian printers, he was however a poor businessman and died imprisoned in 1561 at the Châtelet. "Dieser Übersetzung lag eine der Ausgaben von Charles Estienne et Jean Liébault, 'L'Agriculture et maison rustique' zugrunde, die bereits Jean de Clamorgans 'La chasse du loup' als Anhang hatte und zwischen 1567 und 1578 erschienen ist" (Lindner 563.01). The fine woodcuts are after Tobias Stimmer, J. Amman among others probably cut by the printer Bernard Jobin himself. The work consists of seven parts: 1. Von dem Feldbau und ordentlicher Anstellung einer Meyerey...; 2. Von Anstellung der Gärten; 3. Vom Lustgarten; 4. Von Wisen und Matten; 5. Von Ackerfeldern...; 6. Vom Weydwerck, Hawung der Wald und Gehölz...; 7. Von der Wolffjagt. Beschrieben vom Herrn Johan von Clamorgan.

Provenance: Bookplate of Bibliotheca Tiliana.

Lindner 563.01; Thiébaud p. 358.