La Corbeille de Fleurs, ouvrage de Botanique et de Littérature, ... Et de douze Romances gravées avec Accompagnement de Piano... destiné aux jeunes demoiselles.

Eur 1,500 / USD 1,500
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Paris, Ferra/ Genève, Sestié, 1819. 8vo (212 x 130 mm). pp. (2), viii, 384, with 24 fine engravedplates by Prêtre and 13 folded engravings of 12 piano pieces. Contemporary green boards, spine with gilt lines and red gilt lettered label.

A beautifully illustrated botanical work for young ladies with 12 piano music pieces. The work was issued with plain and coloured plates. It is a companion piece to Jauffret's 'Le panier de fruits'. The work was first published in 12 parts in 1807. 'Nous avons voulu offrir aux jeunes personnes, sur-tout aux Demoiselles, une distraction fugitive, un amusement sans danger, mais non pas sans utilité' (From the preface). A fine uncut copy.

Raphael, An Oak Spring Pomona, 45.