Dissertatio de generatione fungorum ad illustrissimum & reverendissimum praesulem Ioannem Mariam Lancisium....

Eur 4,000 / USD 4,200
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Romae, F. Gonzagae, 1714. Folio (375 x 250mm). pp. 40, with engraved title vignette and 31 engravedplates; pp. xlvii, (6), with a folding engraved map. Contemporary vellum.

A fine copy of this beautifully produced early work on fungi

A fine copy of this beautifully produced early work on fungi. Lancisi's commentaries are titled; 'Dissertatio epistolaris de ortu, vegetatione, ac textura Fungorum..' & 'Physiologicae animadversiones in Plinianam Villam nuper in Laurentino detectam...' "Earlier views on the origin of fungi were still, however prevalent. Particularly that elaborated by Luigi Fernando Marsigli (who after retiring from a military career had, about 1710 founded the Institute of Bologna for the advancement of science) and set out at length in "Dissertio de generatio fungorum, 1714". This was supplemented by a commentary by the famous epidemiologist and physician to several popes, Giovanni Maria Lancisi (to whom the dissertation is dedicated), who supported Marsigli's view that fungi are product of corruption, mycelium being the intermediate state between corruption and the fungal fruit-body" (Ainsworth p. 17).

Nissen BBI, 1280; Schliemann 1080.