Conchyliologie fluviatile de la province de Nanking (et la Chine Centrale), fasc.
Eur 800 / USD 800
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I-VI, VIII-IX. Paris, F. Savy, 1875-1885. 4to. 8 parts. With 62 lithographed plates and descriptivetext. Original printed wrappers.
Nissen ZBI, 1928. The complete work comprises 10 parts with 81 plates. "Later in the nineteenth century Chinese conchology received a boost from a French missionary, Father P.M. Heude, who published some excellent works on Chinese natural history, including 'Conchyliologie fluviatile de la Province de Nankin', a lavishly illustrated but unfinished production" (Dance p.179). "Dans sa 'Conchyliologie fluviatile' il décrit 189 espèces nouvelles ..." (Fournier. Voyages ... des Missionaires naturalistes français p. 39). Part II with paper damage at right upper corner.