Beitrag zur Fauna Centralpolynesiens. Ornithologie der Viti-, Samoa- und Tonga- Inseln.

Eur 600 / USD 600
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Halle, H.W. Schmidt, 1867. 8vo (250 x 165 mm). pp. xxxix, (1), 290, with 14 handcoloured lithographed plates. Recent cloth, gilt lettered spine.

valuable contribution to the avifauna of Polynesia

"In this valuable contribution to the avifauna of Polynesia G. Hartlaub has prepared the preface, the introduction, and the diagnoses, the remaining part of the text being written by Finsch. The work is based chiefly on material collected by Dr. E. Gräffe, but deals with all birds known from the area in question, - altogether 99 species as well as ten doubtful ones" (Anker 141). The fine plates are drawn and lithographed by Finsch, 5 plates show eggs. Owner's stamp of Bibliotheca Dr. Jos. Gabriel on title-page.

Anker 141; Nissen IVB, 315.