Histoire Naturelle des Minéraux.
Eur 1,600 / USD 1,600
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Dordrecht, A. Blussé & Fils, 1798. 4to (282 x 225 mm). 5 volumes (bound in 2). pp. (4), 253; (4), 262; (4), 277; (4), 204; (4), (324), Contemporary calf, spines with 2 gilt lettered labels.
The complete section on minerals of Buffon's famous 'Histoire Naturelle'. The first work 'to present the previously isolated and apparently disconnected facts of natural history in a generally intelligible form' (Encyclop. Brit.). The present copy is from the Buffon edition published in Dordrecht, the so-called 'l'Allamand' edition. It is the only 4to edition to rival the original French Imprimerie Royale edition (1749-1804) in 44 volumes. It does not contain the later published volumes by Lacépède on fishes and whales, as these were published after the date of above edition, it however contains numerous additions by l'Allemand which were included in the later French Buffon editions. "Buffon's work is of exceptional importance because of its diversity, richness, originality, and influence. Buffon was among the first to create an autonomous science, free of any theological influence. He emphasized the importance of natural history and the great length of geological time" (DSB).
Landwehr, Studies in Dutch Books with coloured plates, 45; Piveteau 150; Sinkankas 1036.