Recreatio Mentis et Oculi in observatione Animalium Testaceorum curiosis naturae inspectoribus ... nunc denuò ab eodem Latine oblata, centum additis Testaceorum Iconibus ...

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Romae, Typographia Varesii, 1684. 4to (220 x 160 mm). 2 parts (in one volume). pp. (16), 270, (10),with engraved frontispiece, 7 engraved plates to the first part and engraved frontispiece and 137 engraved plates, including 3 section titles to the second part. Contemporary vellum.

the first book dealing exclusively with shells

First Latin edition, of the first book dealing exclusively with shells. The first Italian edition appeared in 1681 and the Latin edition was enlarged by some hundred new figures. Buonanni was a pupil of Athanasius Kircher and succeeded his master as a teacher of mathematics at the Collegium Romanum in 1698.

The beautifully engraved plates illustrate some 500 shells divided into three classes 'Testaceorum Univalvium non Turbinatorum', Testaceorum Bivalvium' and 'Testaceorum Univalvium Turbinatorum'. The first frontispiece shows a.o. Neptune drawn by 2 dolphins, the second frontispiece and the final 6 plates depict Archimbaldo-like grotesques composed of shells. Six of the 7 engravings belonging to the first part are bound at the end and 2 engravings are printed on one leaf. Title page with old name crossed out. A fine and clean copy, small paper damage to the margin of one leaf and 4 leaves with small worming at the outer margin.

Nissen ZBI, 754; Dance pp. 20-22.