Remarks on the geology and mineralogy of Nova Scotia.
Eur 600 / USD 600
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Halifax, Gossip and Coade, Times Office, 1836. 8vo. pp. xl, 272, (2), with 1 folded lithographed frontispiece, 1 folded handcoloured geological map and 1 lithographed plate. Later cloth, spine rebacked.
Abraham Gesner (1797-1864) was born in Nova Scotia. "First major, systematic description of the geology, mineralogy, and economic mineral deposits of Nova Scotia based on personal visits, and extracts from other works. The most interesting mineralogical descriptions occur in the large section entitled 'Trap District', p 169-265, especially in the Cape Blomidon sub-section, p 210-20, where much is described about the zeolite occurences, also calcite, prehnite, and the many varieties of crystalline and cryptocrystalline quartz, eg, jasper, agates, amethysts" (Sinkankas 2365). One corner of title with paper repair.