Icones Florae Germanicae et Helveticae simul Pedemontanae, ... Volumen XI-XII.

Eur 450 / USD 450
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Lipsiae, F. Hofmeister, 1849-1850. 2 volumes (bound in 1). 4to. pp. (4), 32; (4), 34, with 211 engraved plates (numbered 521-620; 621-731). Contemporary half calf, richly gilt ornamented spine with gilt lettering.

Stafleu & Cowan 8885 (with exact collation). The complete volumes XI & XII of the uncoloured edition with the text in Latin, dealing with Coniferae, Taxineae, Cytineae, Santalaceae, Elaeagneae, Thymelaeaceae, Salicineae, Betulineae, Cupuliferae, Urticaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Laurineae, and Dipsaceae. A bit foxed.