Abbildung der inn- und ausländischen Bäume, Stauden und Sträuche, welche in Oesterreich fortkommen.

Eur 7,500 / USD 7,800
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Volume I-II (instead of III). Wien, R. Sammer, 1792-1808. 2 volumes. Folio (26 x 40,5 cm). With 2 engraved title-vignettes and 218 (instead of 220) handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporary calf, gilt decorated borders on covers, richly gilt ornamented spines with 2 green gilt lettered labels.

Nissen BBI, 1815. Plate 28 of volume I and plate 170 of volume II are lacking. A very scarce treatise, much in the tradition of Jacquin's works and a fine example of the Golden Period of Austrian botanical book production.