De Natura Aquatilivm Carmen.

Eur 4,000 / USD 4,200
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In vniuersam Gvlielmi Rondeletii ... quam de Piscibus marinis scripsit historiam: Cum viuis eorum imagnibus, Opusculu nunc primum in luce emissum. Lugduni, apvd Matthiam Bonhome, 1558. 2 parts (bound in 1). Royal-8vo (205 x 150 mm). pp. 20, 240; pp. 135. With woodcut portrait of the author and 466 fine woodcuts of fishes, shells and other sea animals. Contemporary vellum (spine with old repair).

The cuts include the famous 'monk' and 'bishop' sea monster

First and only edition. Boussuet's epitome in Latin (and some in Greek) verses of Rondelet's 'Libri de Piscibus'. It is illustrated with the same excellent 466 woodcuts by George Reverdy, a most skilful draughtsman working in Lyon from 1529 to 1564, as occur in Rondelet's work. He admirably captured the features of the great variety of fishes and shells. The cuts include the famous 'monk' and 'bishop' sea monster, of which according to Rondelet, the first was seen in Norway and the second found in Poland in 1531. The verses of Boussuet, a doctor in medicine, include much information about the taste and nature of fish meat and shells. The first part deals with fish only, the second part largely deals with shells. Outer margin of title a bit frayed and remains of old ownership.

Nissen ZBI, 511; Paleari-Henssler, 'Bibliografia Latino-Italiana di Gastronomia', p. 115.