Gattungen der Fliegen in XLII. Kupfertafeln entworfen und gezeichnet und erklärt durch zwey Liebhaber der Insektenkunde. Genres des Mouches Diptères

Eur 2,700 / USD 2,800
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Zürich, Orell, Fuesli und Compagnie, 1803. Royal-8vo (225 x 135mm) . pp. 95, (1), with 42 handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporary half calf, spine with red gilt lettered label (label worn).

One of the best natural history artists of his time

First and only edition. Schellenberg illustrated a number of beautiful botanical and entomological monographs and was considered to be one of the best natural history artists of his time. He was rightly famous for his minute details and precision. Roemer writes about him as follows: "Eben dieser Schellenberg hat ... eine erstaunliche Menge von Insecten nach der Natur gezeichnet und gemahlt ... Richtigkeit in der Zeichnung, Leben und das herrlichste Colorit scheinen da mit einander um die Palme streiten zu wollen" (Thanner, Schmutz & Geus. J.R. Schellenberg, p. 144). "The title and introduction state clearly that 2 amateurs provided the names and the text of the new taxa proposed in this work; Schellenberg was only responsible for the plates. As the two amateurs are unnamed in the work, common practice is to attribute the names to Schellenberg"(Evenhuis p. 693). Text in German and French.

Provenance: armorial bookplate of Dr. A.v. Schulthess and old label of W. Junk, Berlin.

Nissen ZBI, 3650.