Des Semis et Plantations des Arbres, et de leur Culture; ou Méthodes pour multiplier et élever les Arbres, les planter en Massifs & en Avenues; former les Fôrets & les Bois; les entretenir, & rétablir ceux qui sont dégradés: faisant partie du Traité complet des Bois & des Forêts.

Eur 1,000 / USD 1,000
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Paris, H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, 1760. 4to (270 x 210mm). pp. (4), lxxx, 383, (1), 27 (1), 10, with 17 folded engraved plates. Contemporary half calf, marbled sides (spine with somewhat unskilled repair).

A large uncut copy of the first edition

A large uncut copy of the first edition, complete with the 2 additions. "Duhamel's tree-planting on both his own estate and his brother's provided the practical experience behind his books as he explained in the preface to 'Semis et Plantations' ... The sections of the book discuss the soil, the climate, and the choice of the trees; their propagation; nursery gardens; planting; forests, and maintenance and re-afforestation, with all instuments based firmly on the author's long experience of forestry" (S. Raphael. An Oak Spring Sylva p. 10).

Provenance: On flyleaf handwritten inscription of former owner: J. de Selys, à la Bibliotèque du Chateau de la Libre et franche Baronnie de la terre souveraine de Sanson (1762).

Nissen BBI, 545.