La Physique des Arbres; où il est traité de l'anatomie des Plantes et de l'économie végétale: Pour servir d'Introduction au Traité complet des Bois & des Forests ... pour l'exploitation des Bois & des Forêts.

Eur 1,800 / USD 1,900
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Paris, Guerin & Delatour, 1758. 2 volumes. 4to (250 x 195mm). pp. (6), lxviii, 307; iv, 432, with 50 folded engraved plates. Contemporary half calf, richly gilt spines with black gilt lettered label, marbled boards.

pioneering work on forestry

A beautiful copy of the first edition of this important and pioneering work on forestry. "His appointment in 1732 as Inspecteur général de la Marine prompted a treatise on rope-making, but he also continued working on plant physiology and agriculture. In this field he was one of the oustanding botanists of the eighteenth century... Duhamel's knowledge of trees was based on practical experience, for on his estates at Vrigny and Monceau (Loiret) and his brother's at Denainvilliers he established botanic gardens for the culture of trees, shrubs, and new exotics" (S. Raphael. An Oak Spring Sylva pp. 9 & 13).

Nissen BBI, 542.