Recherches sur les causes particulières des phénoménes électriques, et sur les effets nuisibles ou avantageux qu'on peut en attendre.

Eur 550 / USD 550
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Paris, Frères Guerin, 1749. 8vo (162 x 95mm). pp. xxxvi, 444, with 8 folded engraved plates. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gilt spine with 5 raised bands and red gilt lettered label.

First edition. Wheeler Gift: "The author lays down a theory, according to which the cause of electrical phenomena is the 'effluence and affluence' of a subtile fluid which is everywhere present. Some interesting experiments are described with vacuum tubes also on the influence of electric charges on the growth of plants".

Provenance: Bookplate of Alfred Schmid and a recent one.