Considérations sur les Corps organisés, Où l'on traite de leur Origine, de leur Développement, de leur Réproduction, & c.
Eur 950 / USD 950
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& où l'on a rassemblé en abrégé tout ce que l'Histoire Naturelle offre de plus certain & de plus intéressant sur ce sujet. Amsterdam, chez Marc Michel Rey, 1762. 2 volumes. 8vo (197 x 125mm). pp. xlii, (2), 274 with an engraved title-vignette; pp. xx, 328, with an engraved title-vignette.
Contemporary calf, gilt decorated spines with red gilt lettered label (ends of spines a bit rubbed).
one of the fathers of modern biology
First edition. The author's most important work. Charles Bonnet (1720-1793) from Geneva is considered "one of the fathers of modern biology" (DSB). Important theoretical work on parthenogenesis, the unfertilised development of an ovum. "Bonnet believed in the preformation of the embryo. He used many of Haller's arguments to support his own opinions. J. Needham calls him an organistic preformationist, for his objection to epigenesis lay in the fact that it apparently did not allow for the integration of the organism as a whole." (Garrison-Morton 472).
Haskell F. Norman Library 264a.