De l'électricité des végétaux.

Eur 850 / USD 850
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Ouvrage dans lequel on traite de l'électricité de l'atmosphère sur les plantes, de ses effects sur l'économie des végétaux, de leurs vertus médico et nutritivo-électriques, et principalement des moyens de pratique de l'appliquer utilement à l'agriculture, avec l'invention d'un électro-végétometre. Paris, P.F. Didot Jeune, 1783. 8vo (197 x 125mm). pp. xvi, 468, (2), with 3 folded engraved plates. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gilt spine (rubbed).

deals with the application of the electricity to the growth of plants

"He is particularly well known for his work in physics, especially in electricity. He played the same role in the south of France that Abbé Nollet played in Paris; that is, he contributed greatly to the development of research in electricity - as much by work and personal experience as by his lectures. 'De l'électricité des végétaux' deals with the application of the electricity to the growth of plants; for this Bertholon used an electrovegetometer of his own invention" (D.S.B. II, p. 82-83).

Pritzel 719.