Die Forst-Insecten oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der in den Wäldern Preussens und der Nachbarstaaten als schädlich oder nützlich bekannt gewordenen Insecten; in systematischer Folge und mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Vertilgung der Schädlichen. Zweite mit Zusätzen und Berichtigungen vermehrte Auflage.

Eur 3,900 / USD 4,200
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Berlin, in der Nicolai'schen Buchhandlung, 1839-1844. 3 volumes. 4to (275 x 220mm). pp. xvi, 247, (1); v, (3), 252; viii, 314 with frontispiece, 13 tabs. and 54 (35 hand-coloured) plates. (together with ) IDEM. Die Ichneumonen der Forstinsecten in forstlicher und entomologischer Beziehung. Ein Anhang zur Abbildung und Beschreibung der Forstinsecten. Berlin, Nicolai, 1844-1852. 3 volumes. 4to (275 x 220mm). pp. viii, 224; vii, 238; xviii, (2), 272, with 7 plates and 9 folded tables, many figures in the text. Uniform contemporary half vellum, spines with 5 red gilt ornamented and lettered labels and monogram E.L. with Royal Crown. The same monogram on verso of all title-pages.

Classic works by "the father of forest entomology"

A beautifully bound copy of Royal provenance bound by F. Hollnsteiner k.k. Hof-Buchbinder in Wien. First volume of the 'Forst-Insecten in the second edition, in fact the only volume of the 'Forst-Insecten' and 'Die Ichneumonen?' of which a second edition was published. Classic works by "the father of forest entomology". Julius Ratzeburg (1801-1871) was a Professor of natural history at the forestry college in Neustadt-Eberswalde and founder of forest entomology. "He was out in the forest almost every day; he travelled and made observations outdoors and on insects kept in cages". (R.F. Smith. Hist. of Entom. p. 368). In 1929, the American, S.A. Graham evaluated "Die Forst-Insecten" as "a monumental work which even today has never been surpassed in excellence and scope". The "Ichneumonen" volumes are a supplement to the "Forst-Insecten" and are much rarer. About 1000 species of Ichneumonidae are described.

Nissen ZBI, 3307 & 3308.