Epitome Entomologiae Fabricianae sive nomenclator entomologicus emendatus sistens Fabriciani systematis cum Linneano comparationem adiectis characteribus ordinum et generum speciebus novis aliorum entomologorum insectorum habitationibus nominibus Germanorum Francogallorum Anglorum cum indicibus et Bibliotheca Fabriciana.
Eur 950 / USD 950
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Lipsiae, G. Feind, 1797. 8vo (205 x 112mm). pp. xvi, 224. Later half cloth, spine with red gilt lettered label.
In his works Fabricius described many Australian and New Zealand insects brought back by Captain Cook's around -the-world voyages.
Hagen in his 'Bibliotheca Entomologica' page 221 mentions Bergsträsser as the possible author. The BM (Nat. Hist.) online catalogue mentions for the 2nd edition of 1810 that Borkhausen was a contributor. The second edition is identical to the first apart from the title-page.
Provenance: Signature of Kikumaro Okano on inside front-cover.
B.M.C. (Nat. Hist.) II, 553.