Histoire des Insectes. HYMÉNOPTÈRES.
Eur 1,800 / USD 1,800
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Paris, Roret, 1836-1846. 4 volumes of text & 1 atlas. 8vo (210 x 130mm). pp. (4), 547; (4), 680; (4), 646; viii, 680, with 48 engraved plates, of which 39 finely handcoloured and 9 printed in bistre. Contemporary green half calf, spines with gilt ornaments and lettering, marbled sides; atlas loose in publisher's printed wrappers.
Most of the excellent plates were drawn by Prêtre and have delicate colouring
Amédée Louis Michel Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau (1770-1845) was a French entomologist. From the year 1833 until his death, he served as president of the Société Entomologique de France. Most of the excellent plates were drawn by Prêtre and have delicate colouring. The work was issued with plain or coloured plates. The present copy is the rare coloured issue. The work was published as part of the series 'Suites à Buffon' by the publisher Roret. The final volume was editied by Aug. Brullé. "... mais son oeuvre essentielle est 'l 'Histoire Naturelle des Insectes Hymenoptères', incluse dans les 'Suites à Buffon'. Cet ouvrage commencé en 1836, restera inachevé et c'est Brullé qui assurera la complète rédaction. Cette Histoire compte 4 volumes totalisant 2500 pages accompagnées de 48 planches... Pour la première fois, il est offert aux spécialistes une étude générale des Hymenoptères, étude qui garde jusqu'à nos jours, valeur de référence" (Lhoste p. 133-4).
Nissen ZBI, 2452.