Geschichte der Fische welche derselben äussere und innere Beschaffenheit und in Klassen und Ordnungen abgetheilte Gattungen enthält... aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt von KarlFreyhern von Meidinger.

Eur 900 / USD 900
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Wien, J. Gerold, 1781. 8vo (207 x 135mm). pp. (24), 312, (22), with 4 folding engraved plates. Contemporary boards.

Antoine Gouan (1733-1821) was a famous French naturalist. He became the doyen of Linnaean taxonomy in France and was the first to introduce binary nomenclature in the country. Gouan was primarily a botanist. He however published one important work on fishes of which the first edition with text both in Latin and French was published in 1770. The present German edition is rare and was translated by Meidinger, a famous ichthyologist. "The modifications introduced into the class by Linné in the tenth edition of the Systema naturae are adapted. The genera were quite well described, and three new ones still retained in the system (Lepadogaster, Lepidopus, and Trachypterus) were established" (Gill, T.N., Smith. Miscell. Collect., 1872).

Dean I, p. 495.