Natuurlyke historie of uitvoerige beschryving der dieren, planten en mineralen volgens het samenstelsel van de heer Linnaeus ... Eerste deels, veertiende (-agttiende) stuk: DE WORMEN, SLAKKEN, SCHULPDIEREN, HOORENS, ZEEGEWASSEN & PLANTDIEREN.

Eur 700 / USD 700
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Amsterdam, F. Houttuyn, 1770-1773. 5 volumes. Royal-8vo. pp. (8), 530, (2); (6), 458; (8), 629, (11); (8), 613, (1); (2), xxv, (5), 226, (422), with 37 engraved plates (numbered 107-143). Contemporary half calf, gilt spines with red gilt-lettered labels (upper part of spine of part XVI gone).

cf. Hulth 8; Nissen BBI, 940; Soulsby 73. Parts XIV-XVIII of the zoology division. The complete section on Invertebrates (mainly Molluscoidea) of the scarce and famous Houttuyn-edition.