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A masterwork what botany in the Dutch speaking countries is concerned

The drawings? are also admirable, and from a botanical point of view beyond praise

JORDAN, A. & J. FOURREAU. Icones ad floram Europae novo fundamento instaurandam spectantes.

Paris, Savy, 1866-1903. 3 volumes. Folio (400 x 305mm). With 501 finely hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary uniform half calf, spines in 5 ...

EUR 15,000

one of the finest examples of French colour-printing by Langlois

FÉRUSSAC, A. DE. & DESHAYES, G.P. Histoire Naturelle générale et particulière des Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles ...

Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1820-1851. 4 volumes. Folio (430 x 300mm). pp. viii, 402; (4), xvi, 1-184 (60 pages of 96 bis), 260, 22 (explication des pl...

EUR 22,000

one of the finest examples of French colour-printing by Langlois

FÉRUSSAC, A. DE. & DESHAYES, G.P. Histoire Naturelle générale et particulière des Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles ...

Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1820-1851. 4 volumes. Folio (420 x 275mm). With 248 engraved plates, almost all printed in colours and finished by hand. Re...

EUR 15,500

he made here an attempt to an explanation of the parts of the plants.

DODONAEUS, R. Stirpium Historia pemptades sex, sive libri XXX ...

Antverpiae, ex Officina Plantiniana, apud B. & I. Moretos, 1616. Folio (346 x 230mm). pp. (16), 872, (66), with fine engraved title and 1341 woodcu...

EUR 5,500

In all fairness, it must be added that each species treated... was skillfully and fully described, and Bergeret's illustrations were exceptionally good

the most splendid monograph ever made on this group of animals (Cats, Lions, Pumas, Tigers, Panthers)

ELLIOT, D.G. A Monograph of the Felidae or Family of Cats.

London, by the Author, (1878-) 1883. Large folio (597 x 477mm). With 43 splendid handcoloured lithographed plates from drawings by Joseph Wolf and ...

EUR 95,000

The original drawings for the present work were done by native artists

HOOKER, J.D. Illustrations of Himalayan plants.

London, L. Reeve, 1855. Folio (508 x 380mm). With 1 pictorial handcoloured lithographed title and 24 handcoloured lithographed plates, each with an...

EUR 19,000

Printed for private circulation only

ES, N.J.A.P.H. VAN. De hippische sport en het Korps Rijdende Artillerie 1793-1908, I: DE VALKERIJ. Met illustratiën van Hoynck van Papendrecht, Krabbé, Staring en van Es en ornamentatie van Colenbrander en Roskam.

Arnhem, Coers & Roest - G.J. Thieme, (1908). Folio (370 x 290mm). pp. (16), 172, (18), with 45 plates of which 34 beautifully handcoloured, many of...

EUR 9,000

Nissen in his publication 'Die botanische Buchillustration' speaks highly of him 'seine Tafeln... verdienen volles Lob'.

DREVES, J.F. & HAYNE, F.G. Choix de Plantes d'Europe, décrites et dessinées d'après nature.

Leipzig, Voss et Compagnie, 1802. 5 volumes. 4to (295 x 230mm). pp. xii, 40; xii, 44; xii, 44; xii,40; x, 38, with 125 fine hand-coloured engraved ...

EUR 4,200

P.F. Dejean was called 'the first great coleopterist'

DEJEAN, P.F. & BOISDUVAL, J.A. Iconographie et histoire naturelle des Coléoptères d'Europe.

Paris, Méquignon-Marvis, 1829-1836 (-1838). 5 volumes. 8vo (230 x 150mm). pp. xiv, 400; 407, (1); 326; 486; 415, (1), with 270 handcoloured engrav...

EUR 3,500

showing among others two splendid early woodcuts of a camel and a dromedary as well a rhinoceros, copying Durer's famous woodcut of 1515

ALDROVANDI, U. Quadrupedum omnium bisulcorum historia ...

Bononiae, I. Baptista Ferronius, 1642. Folio (340 x 230mm). pp. (6), 1040, (12), with engraved allegorical title-page and 89 (some full-page) woodc...

EUR 3,900

Dalechamp is considered by some authorities to have been one of the most erudite of the French botanists of the 16th century

rare suite of very beautiful bouquets in ornamental vases with grotesques

MESSAGER, J. (ca. 1580 - Paris - 1649) & PICQUET, J. (Troyes ca. 1600 - ca. 1650 Paris). Series of six copper engravings of floral bouquets in vases.

[Paris, 1620s]. 245 x 175 mm. Half calf, gilt spine with floral ornaments and red gilt lettered label, marbled boards.

EUR 8,400

one of the finest works on fishing and fisheries in any language

DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, H.L. & DE LA MARRE, L.H. Traité Général des Pesches, et histoire des Poissons qu'elles fournissent, tant pour la subsistance des hommes, que pour plusieurs autres usages qui ont rapport aux arts et au commerce.

Paris, Saillant & Nyon/ Desaint, 1769-1782. 4 volumes bound in 12. Folio (445 x 290mm). With 250 folding engraved plates. Later half calf, gilt orn...

EUR 18,000

Total price: EUR 238,400
Total number of items to order: 15