Subjects: Fine Illustrated Natural History Books
Search results: Fine Illustrated Natural History Books(170 results)
page 2, displaying items 101 to 170
the best monograph on the woodpeckers of the world
Monographie des Picidées ou histoire naturelle des Picidés, Picumninés, Yuncinés ou Torcols.
Metz, Jules Verronnais, 1861-62. 4 volumes (including 2 plate volumes). Folio (355 x 535mm). pp. (2), lxx, 214; (2), 325; (12), 8, (2), 6, with 123...
EUR 65,000
A fine copy of one of the most attractive shell books ever produced
Figures of non-descript Shells collected in the different Voyages to the South Seas since the year 1764 ... [Vols. I and II:] The Universal Conchologist, exhibiting the Figure of every known Shell, accurately drawn and painted after Nature: with a new systematic arrangement by the Author... [Vols. III and IV:].
London, sold at his house no. 16 Great Marlborough Street, [1784-] 1789 [-1812]. 4 volumes. 4to (335 x 273mm), vol. I with engraved frontispiece of...
EUR 88,000
This contains a number of plates of beetles, some very splendid
The English Entomologist, exhibiting all the Coleopterous Insects found in England; including upwards of 500 different Species, the Figures which have never before been givento the Public.
The whole accurately drawn & painted after Nature, Arranged and named according to the Linnaean System. London, His Academy for Illustrating and pa...
EUR 2,200
This contains a number of plates of beetles, some very splendid
The English Entomologist, exhibiting all the Coleopterous Insects found in England; including upwards of 500 different Species, the Figures which have never before been givento the Public. The whole accurately drawn & painted after Nature, Arranged and named according to the Linnaean System./ Entomologist Anglois ouvrage où l'on a rassemblé tous les Insectes Coleoptères qui se trouvent en Angleterre et qui forment plus de 500 espèces différentes d'insectes...
London, His Academy for Illustrating and painting Natural History, 1792. Folio (345 x 272mm). pp. (8), 33, with 2 medallion engraved plates and 42 ...
EUR 2,200
One of the rarest pomological works published in the 19th century
Le Verger, ou histoire, culture, et description avec planches coloriées des variétés des fruit le plus généralement connues.
Paris, G. Masson, (1865-1872). 8 volumes. Royal-8vo. With 384 chromolithographed plates, partly finished by hand, containing 702 figures. Contempor...
EUR 8,500
rightly famous for its large decorative plates showing flowers only
A Complete Dictionary of Practical Gardening: comprehending all the modern improvements in the art; whether in the raising of the various esculent vegetables, or in the forcing and managing of different sorts of fruits and plants ... from original drawings by Sydenham Edwards.
London, G. Kearsley, 1807. 2 volumes. 4to (265 x 205mm). With 61 beautifully handcoloured engraved plates and 13 engraved plates of instruments etc...
EUR 4,200
An unusually fine coloured copy of the last edition of Merian's work on European insects
Histoire générale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l'Europe. Contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses. Tome Second: DES PLANTES DE L'EUROPE (second title:) HISTOIRE GÉNÉRALE DES PLANTES ET INSECTES DE L'EUROPE.
Paris, chez L.C. Desnos, 1771. Folio (495 x 340mm). pp. (4), 72, with 184 splendidly hand-coloured engraved plates printed on 47 leaves. Contempora...
EUR 30,000
rare suite of very beautiful bouquets in ornamental vases with grotesques
MESSAGER, J. (ca. 1580 - Paris - 1649) & PICQUET, J. (Troyes ca. 1600 - ca. 1650 Paris).
Series of six copper engravings of floral bouquets in vases.
[Paris, 1620s]. 245 x 175 mm. Half calf, gilt spine with floral ornaments and red gilt lettered label, marbled boards.
EUR 8,400
great classic of American botany
Histoire des Chênes de l'Amérique, ou descriptions et figures de toutes les espèces et variétés de Chênes de l'Amérique Septentrionale, considérées sous les rapports de la Botanique, de leur culture et de leur usage.
Paris, de l'imprimerie de Crapelet, An IX-1801. Folio (415 x 300mm). pp. (4), (56), with 36 engraved plates. Contemporary half green morocco, gilt ...
EUR 9,000
It is the first and only major flora published of Sardinia and adjacent islands
Flora Sardoa seu Historia Plantarum in Sardinia et adjacentibus insulis vel sponte nascentium vel ad utilitatem latius excultarum.
Taurini, ex Regio Typographeo, 1837-1859. 3 volumes. 4to (270 x 208mm). pp. xii, 606; 562, (2); 564, with 114 engraved plates after drawings by M. ...
EUR 8,200
Waare oeffening der Planten waar in De rechte Aart, Natuire, en verborgene eigenschappen der Boomen, Heesteren, Kruiden, ende Bloemen, Door een veeljaarige onderzoekinge, zelfs gevonden; Als meede op wat maniere zy, in onze Neder- en Hoog-duitsche Landen, gezaait, geplant, bewaart, ende, door het geheele Jaar, geregeert moeten zijn, kenbaar gemaakt worden.
Amsterdam, Jan Rieuwertsz., 1682. 4to. pp. (40), 656, (20), with engraved frontispiece and 40 engraved plates. Contemporary vellum.
EUR 1,800
MÜLLER, SALOMON - (attributed).
Banded Palm Civet Cat (Viverra boiei). Watercolour on paper 25.4 x 39.1 cm - visible image size; 30.0 x 46.0 cm - actual sheet size; 63.0 x 77.3 cm - frame size. In 19th century burr walnut frame.
Titled by hand in ink 'VIVERRA BOIEI 1/2, (lower centre) and dated by hand in ink 'Freytag, Januar 26, 1849' (lower left).
EUR 2,000
one of the rarest and most attractive Dutch flower books
Door een gezelschap geleerden.
Amsterdam, J.B. Elwe, 1794. 4to (285 x 220mm). pp. (4), 128, (3), with handcoloured engraved title-page (a large bouquet of flowers in a vase) and ...
EUR 9,000
beautifully illustrated work on China
Het gezandtschap der Neêrlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, aan den grooten Tartarischen Cham, Den tegenwoordigen Keizer van China: waar in de gedenkwaerdigste geschiedenissen... beneffens een naauwkeurige Beschryvinge der Sineesche Steden, Dorpen, Regeering... Gewassen, Dieren...
Amsterdam, W. Waasberge, 1693. Folio (315 x 205mm). pp. (6), 208, 258, (9), with engraved frontispiece, engraved portrait of the author, 1 folding ...
EUR 4,800
The only other copy known is in the British Museum
Hujus generis atrium cultoribus perutiles, maximâ curâ deliniatæ, et tabulis æneis incisæ. Ex Officina Nicol: Visscher.
A series of 16 copper engravings, numbered lower right, 257 x 175 mm, within the borders c. 229 x 146 mm.
EUR 7,500
a book on bird catching, delightful, chiefly owing to Tempesta's spirited illustrations of the methods employed by fowlers in the beginning of the 17th century
Uccelliera overo discorso della natura, e proprieta di diversi uccelli, e in particolare di que'che cantano, con il modo di prendergli, conoscergli... E con le Figure... dal Tempesta, e dal Villamena.
Roma, Angelo de Rossi, 1684. 4to (270 x 210mm). Leaves 5, including engraved title, pp. 77, (1), leaves 6 (index), engraved title, enclosed in broa...
EUR 3,500
Buceros plicatus Lath. (Wreathed Hornbill), Watercolour on paper c.1827-1837, 25.5 x 33.5 cm - visible image size, 53.0 x 58.5 cm - frame size, framed under glass.
Titled in pencil in old handwriting (lower centre): Buceros plicatus Lath, Java (Goenong Parang).
EUR 2,500
The very fine illustrations depict flowers and fruit growing in the Netherlands
Nederlandsche Flora en Pomona, beschreven en uitgegeven door het Bestuur der Pomologische Vereeniging te Boskoop. Met platen naar de natuur geteekend door A.J. Wendel
Groningen, J.B. Wolters, 1879. 2 volumes. Folio (320 x 250 mm). pp. ix, xii , (4), 235, with 81 chromolithograped plates of fruit and flowers. Publ...
EUR 3,800
The first coloured illustrations of birds in a book which attempted to list and portray all the British species, many of them life-size
The British Zoology, Class I. Quadrupeds.
II. Birds. Published under the inspection of the Cymmrodion Society, instituted for the Promoting Useful Charities, and the Knowledge of Nature, am...
EUR 48,000
No such detailed and exact descriptions and illustrations had been published before
Description anatomique d'un Cameleon, d'un Castor, d'un Dromadaire, d'un Ours, et d' une Gazelle.
Paris, Frederic Leonard, 1669. 4to (195 x 155mm). pp. 120, with woodcut title vignette and 5 large folded engraved plates. Old black gilt ornamente...
EUR 2,000
The fine plates show marine animals of the Adriatic sea such as shells and crustacean
De Conchis minus notis liber cui accessit specimen aestus reciproci maris superi ad littus portumque Arimini.
Venetiis, Typis Joannis Baptistae Pasquali, 1739. 4to (260 x 190mm). pp. 88, with woodcut title vignette and 5 engraved folded plates (Together wit...
EUR 3,900
A very unusual long botanical scroll, showing 62 different species, each depiction of a plant
(Chûshoto okonomi no bunezu). Japanese exceptionally long horizontal painted scroll (11.5 meters by 26 cm.) showing 62 species of plants of Western Japan.
End 18th or beginning 19th century. Colour painted on mulberry paper, with Japanese calligraphy, mounted on a wooden roller, endpaper decorated wit...
EUR 28,000
A fine copy of noble provenance of the most attractive fruit book ever produced
Pomologie française. Recueil des plus beaux Fruits cultivés en France...
Paris, Langlois et Leclercq, 1846. 4 volumes. Folio (413 x 280mm). With three plain and 420 stipple-engraved plates printed in colours and finished...
EUR 135,000
This is a very fine series of floral engravings in the style of Spaendonck, Redouté, Bessa, etc
Principes et leçons de fleurs.
Paris, Demarteau l'ainé (after 1850). Small-folio (330 x 245mm). With 16 etchings printed in bistre, by Giles Demarteau after crayon drawings by P...
EUR 2,000
both Napoleon III and Queen Victoria subscribed to its first edition
The Pinetum Britannicum. A descriptive account of Hardy Coniferous Trees, cultivated in Great Britain.
Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood & Son, (1863)-1884. 3 volumes. Folio (555 x 417mm). pp. (6), errata leaf, 1-110; (2), 111-216; (2), 217-330 with...
EUR 15,000
the rare first 8vo-edition of the most famous book on roses
Les Roses peintes par P.J. Redouté ... décrites par C.A. Thorry.
Paris, C.L.F. Panckoucke, 1824. 2 volumes. Royal-8vo (235 x 155mm). With 160 colour-printed engraved plates, partly finished by hand. Contemporary ...
EUR 15,000
A large and very attractive early 19th century non signed watercolour of a Papaver somniferum,
or Opium poppy in the style of Pierre Joseph Redouté.
EUR 1,500
Reeve's first major book, foreshadowing his great 'Conchologia Iconica'
Conchologia Systematica, or complete system of conchology: in which the Lepades and Conchiferous Mollusca are described and classified according to their natural organizationand habits.
London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longman, 1841-1842. 2 volumes. 4to (275 x 210mm). pp. vi, 195; pp. (2), 337. With 1 folded table and 301 handcolour...
EUR 12,000
Perhaps the most impressive French botanical book of the period
La Botanique mise à la portée de tout le monde ou collection des plantes d'usage dans la médecine, dans les alimens et dans les arts.
Avec des notices instructives pulsées dans les auteurs les plus célèbres, contenant la description,le climât, la culture, les propriétés et l...
EUR 28,000
The beautifully drawn watercolour drawings of caterpillars are of a superb quality
Entomological archives, manuscripts and watercolours of the 18th and early 19th century, from the Rémond family, of Semur en Auxois (Burgundy). The authors are Louis Rémond, physician at Semur during the 18th century, F.M. Rémond likewise physician and author of 'Avis aux pères et aux mères sur la vaccine', Dyon & Semur 1818, and his son Maurice Rémond, lawyer at Semur. The greater part of the collection concerns the latter two who both were keen entomologists. The main objects in the collection are 125 watercolour drawings of caterpillars and their cocoons and a full translation into French of Roesel von Rosenhof's 'Der monatlich-herausgegebenen Insecten-Belustigungen'.
EUR 45,000
The colouring of the present sumptuously bound copy is the best we have ever seen of this book
De Natuurlyke Historie der Insecten; Voorzien met naar 't Leven getekende en gekoleurde Plaaten.
Volgens eigen ondervinding beschreeven, ... Met zeer nutte en fraaie Aanmerkingen verrykt, door C.F. Kleemann. Uit den echten Hoogduitschen Druk .....
EUR 15,000
the most important work on fishes published in the 16th century
La première (-seconde) partie de l'histoire entière des Poissons. Composée premierement en Latin... Avec leurs pourtraits au naïf.
Lion, M. Bonhome, 1558. 2 parts in one volume. Folio (278 x 203mm). pp. (12), 418, (14); pp.(4), 181, (1 blank), (10), with woodcut portrait of Ro...
EUR 7,900
these birds were seen by Van Royen in the collection of the eminent Amsterdam merchant, Theodorus de Leeuw (1679-1744), at his country house of Elsenburg, on the river Vecht, near Maarssen
Two Silver Pheasants and a Black-crowned Night Heron in a landscape.
Signed and dated, lower right W V ROYEN 1735, also dated lower left: 1735, inscribed in brown ink on verso: 'dese vogels sijn bij d: edl: aghtb: He...
EUR 15,000
This is the first great natural history of tropical marine life
D'Amboinsche Rariteitkamer, Behelzende eene Beschryvinge van allerhande zoo weeke als harde Schaalvisschen te weeten raare Krabben, Kreeften, en diergelyke Zeedieren als medeallerhande Hoorntjes en Schulpen, die men in d'Amboinsche Zee vindt: daar beneven zommige Mineraalen, Gesteenten, en soorten van Aarde, die in d'Amboinsche, en zommige omleggende Eilanden gevonden worden.
Amsterdam, François Halma, 1705. Folio (435 x 270mm). pp. (32), 340, (44), with an engraved frontispiece and an engraved portrait of Rumpf, severa...
EUR 7,500
the first modern work on tropical fauna
Thesaurus imaginum Piscium Testaceorum; Quales sunt Cancri, Echini, Echinometra, Stellae Marinae,&c. ut et Conchlearum...
Hagae, P. de Hondt, 1739. Folio (400 x 245mm). pp. (4), 14, 8, with engraved title, engraved portrait of Rumphius and 60 engraved plates. Contempor...
EUR 4,500
He intensively surveyed the flora and fauna of Brazil from Jequitinhonha to Rio de la Plata for six years
Flora Brasiliae Meridionalis.
Paris, A. Belin, 1824-1833. 24 parts. Large 4to (365 x 280mm). With 193 engraved plates. Publishers printed wrappers, uncut.
EUR 15,000
The best modern book in English on the art and practice of Falconry
Falconry in the British Isles. Second edition, revised and enlarged.
London, Jan van Voorst, 1873. Royal 8vo (283 x 185mm). pp. viii, (2), 171, (1), with 28 fine handcoloured lithographed plates. Later green half cal...
EUR 4,500
only edition of this rare flora and florilegium, depicting the most beautiful native and exotic plants cultivated in Italy
Flora italiana ossia raccolta delle piante più belle che si coltivano nei giardini d'Italia..
Pisa, Niccolo Capurro, 1818-1824. 3 volumes, bound in one. Folio (440 x 310 mm). pp (8), iv, 114, (2, index); (2), 90, (2, index); (2), 86, (2, ind...
EUR 40,000
beautifully produced work on poisonous fishes
Atlas des Poissons Vénéneux descriptions des ravages produits par eux sur l'organisme humain, et des contre-poisons à employer,
St. Petersburg, Balasheva, 1886. 4to (345 x 250mm). pp. (10), 53, (2), with 10 (9 coloured) lithographed plates. Contemporary green cloth, spine wi...
EUR 1,200
Thomas Say (1787-1834), was one of the premier native born American naturalists of the early nineteenth century
American Entomology. A description of the Insects of North America. Edited by John L. Le Conte, M.D. with a memoir of the author, by Georg Ord.
New York, J.W. Bouton, 1869. 2 volumes. Royal-8vo. pp. xxiv, 412; iv, 814, with 54 handcoloured lithographed plates. Publisher's green cloth.
EUR 1,700
The fine plates are made by process of 10-14 colour lithography, and its excellent quality has remained unsurpassed
The Macrolepidoptera of the world.
Stuttgart, Kernen Verlag, 1909-1954. 20 volumes (bound in 29). 4to. With 1458 chromolithographed plates. Publisher's half calf, gilt and unbound in...
EUR 12,000
highly finished watercolours of the fungi of the Loire valley
Champignons des environs de Blois.
Blois circa 1880. 2 volumes. Folio (360 x 270mm). A collection of 161 very fine watercolours of mushrooms of the Blois area (Loire valley). Loose i...
EUR 12,000
One of the finest works on butterflies ever published
Beschouwing der wonderen Gods, in de minst geachte schepzelen.
Of Nederlandsche Insecten, naar hunne aanmerkelijke huishouding, verwonderlijke gedaantewisseling en andere wetenswaardige bijzonderheden ... Amste...
EUR 20,000
One of the finest works on butterflies ever published.
Beschouwing der wonderen Gods, in de minst geachte schepzelen. Of Nederlandsche Insecten, naar hunne aanmerkelijke huishouding, verwonderlijke gedaantewisseling en andere wetenswaardige bijzonderheden ...
Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp, 1762-1860. 8 volumes. 4to (250 x 190mm). With 8 hand-coloured engraved frontispieces and 400 hand-coloured engraved plates. C...
EUR 15,000
Species illustrated and described include three from the Cape, two from Mauritius, and several from Jamaica
Icones Pictae Plantarum Rariorum, descriptionibus et observationibus illustratae ... Coloured Figures of Rare Plants, illustrated with Descriptions and Observations.
London 1790-(1793). 3 parts. Folio. With 18 handcoloured engraved plates by James Sowerby. Contemporary half calf, a little rubbed and some repairs.
EUR 3,000
G.B. Sowerby (2nd) was the most gifted draughtsman of shells of the Sowerby family
The Conchological Illustrations [or coloured figures of all the hitherto unfigured shells].
London, Sowerby, 1832-1841. 8vo (212 x 135mm). With 200 beautifully hand-coloured engraved plates and descriptive text. Contemporary red half moroc...
EUR 5,000
The most attractive illustrated English work on mycology
Coloured figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms.
London, printed by J. Davis and sold by the Author, 1797-1803, (1815). 3 volumes. Folio (320 x 200mm). With 440 hand-coloured engraved plates on 43...
EUR 16,000
The most attractive illustrated English work on mycology
Coloured figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms.
London, printed by J. Davis and sold by the Author, 1797-1803, (1815). 3 volumes, bound in 2. Folio(320 x 200mm). With 440 hand-coloured engraved p...
EUR 12,000
Dealing exclusively with the Hymenoptera of the Ligurian region (Italy)
Insectorum Liguriae species novae aut rariores, quas in agro Ligustico nuper detexit, descripsit, et iconibus illustravit.
Genuae, Y. Gravier, 1806-1808. 4 parts (bound in one). 4to (240 x 185mm). pp. (4), xvii, 159, (1); (6), ii, 262, v, (1), with 1 folded table and 7 ...
EUR 2,300
Dealing exclusively with the Hymenoptera of the Ligurian region (Italy)
Insectorum Liguriae species novae aut rariores, quas in agro Ligustico nuper detexit, descripsit, et iconibus illustravit.
Genuae, Y. Gravier, 1806-1808. 4 parts (bound in 2). 4to (260 x 200mm). pp. (4), xvii, 159, (1); (6), ii, 262, v, (1), with 1 folded table and 7 en...
EUR 2,300
Illustrations of British Entomology; or, a synopsis of indigenous insects: containing their generic and specific distinctions; with an account of their metamorphoses, times of appearance, localities, food, and economy, as far as practicable.
Haustellata (&) Mandibulata. London, Baldwin and Cradock/ Henry G.Bohn, 1827-1846. 12 volumes (including supplement), bound in 8. Royal-8vo (225 x ...
EUR 2,200
rare treatise on the culture of citrus fruit in the Low Countries
Citricultura oft Regeringhe der uythemsche Boomen en te weten Oranien, Citroenen, Limoenen, Granaten, Laurieren en Andere...
Antwerpen, J. Jacops, 1682. 4to (210 x 160mm). pp. (xl), 1-74, (2), 75-296 (26), with engraved frontispiece, engraved coat-of-arms on inserted leaf...
EUR 4,500
the first separate general work on fungi, describing edible and poisonous varieties
Theatrum Fungorum oft het tooneel der Campernoelien. Waer inne vertoont wort de gedaente, ken-teeckens, natuere, crachten, voetsel, deught ende ondeught; mitsgaders het voorsichtigh schoonmaken ende bereyden van alderhande Fungien...
Antwerpen, Joseph Jacobs, 1675. 4to (198 x 160mm). pp. (38), 396, (20), with engraved frontispiece,1 folded engraved portrait and 36 (many folded) ...
EUR 15,000
the first separate general work on fungi, describing edible and poisonous varieties
Theatrum Fungorum oft het tooneel der Campernoelien. Waer inne vertoont wort de gedaente, ken-teeckens, natuere, crachten, voetsel, deught ende ondeught; mitsgaders het voorsichtigh schoonmaken ende bereyden van alderhande Fungien...
Antwerpen, Joseph Jacobs, 1675. 4to (200 x 155mm). pp. (38), 396, (20), with engraved frontispiece,1 folded engraved portrait and 36 (many folded) ...
EUR 15,000
Des Herrn Kaspar Stoll' natürliche und nach dem Leben gemalte Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der Cikaden und anderer damit verwandten Insekten aus Europa, Asia, Afrika und Amerika.
Aus dem holländischen übersetzt und mit den nötigen Anmerkungen versehen. Nürnberg, Winterschmidt, 1792. 4to (270 x 215mm). With 20 (of 29) fin...
EUR 800
the most beautifully coloured issue of one of the most attractive huntingbooks ever published
Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium. Pugnae Bestiarorum: & mutae Bestiarum, depictae a Ioanne Stradano: Editae per Nicolaum Visscher cum previlegio ordinum Hollandiae et West-Frisiae. Iachten van Wilde Beesten, Vogelen en Visschen, Midtsgaders Stryden van Menschen tegens Beesten, en Beesten tegens malkander.
(Londen c. 1817). Oblong 4to (255 x 360mm). With fine hand-coloured engraved frontispiece and 102 beautifully hand-coloured engraved plates. (Toget...
EUR 16,000
He published a number of beautifully illustrated works on British garden plants
Cistineae. The Natural order of Cistus, or Rock-Rose; illustrated by coloured figures & descriptions of all the distinct species, and the most prominent varieties, that couldbe at present procured in the Gardens of Great Britain; ...
London, James Ridgway, 1825-1830. Royal-8vo (250 x 160mm). pp. xx, (4), with 112 fine handcoloured engraved plates and descriptive text. Contempora...
EUR 3,200
intended as a supplement to Agassiz's 'Recherches sur les poissons fossiles'
Description des poissons fossiles provenant des gisements coralliens du Jura dans le Bugey...
Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1854-73. 2 livraisons. Folio (544 x 360 mm). pp. (iv), 26, (2); 70, with 26 lithographed plates, 24 coloured and 7 double-p...
EUR 3,900
complete set of the most important and beautiful British pomological journal
First series, volumes 1-7 (all published). London, W. Bulmer/ W. Nicol, 1812-1830. [and] Second series, volumes 1-3 (all published).
London, W. Nicol, 1835-1848. 10 volumes. 4to (282 x 220mm). With 7 engraved titles and 176 engravedplates of which 93 (some double-page) superbly h...
EUR 13,000
The publishing history of the present work is probably the most bizarre one in the history of botany
Florae Fluminensis Icones.
Parisis, ex off. Lithogr. Senefelder, curante F.J. Knecht, 1827. 10 of 11 volumes (lacking volume 3). Large-folio (520 x 345mm). With 1472 lithogra...
EUR 20,000
There were 18 new Australian plants, with 24 figured
Jardin de Malmaison.
Paris, Crapelet, An XI (1803-1804) (-1805). 2 volumes. Folio (543 x 360mm). With 120 stipple-engraved plates by Redouté, printed in colours and fi...
EUR 85,000
The work is considered the rarest of the botanical works published in Belgium in the 19th century
Nouvelle Iconographie des Camellias, contenant les figures et la description des plus rares, des plus nouvelles et des plus belles variétés de ce genre.
Gand, Verschaffelt, 1848-1860. 13 volumes. Royal-8vo (265 x 175mm). With 623 chromolithographed plates. Contemporary blue half morocco, spines with...
EUR 28,000
Madame Henriette Vincent (1786-1830) pupil of Van Spaendonck and Redouté
Collection de 24 Bouquets de Fleurs. Dessinés et gravés d'après nature...
Paris, chez l'éditeur, 1835. 4to (280 x 210mm). With a fine pictorial title and 24 plates, all stipple engravings, printed in colour with extensiv...
EUR 8,000
an important record of orchid varieties discovered and described in the 19th century
The Orchid Album, comprising coloured figures and descriptions of New, Rare and Beautiful Orchidaceous Plants.
London 1882-1897. 11 volumes. Large-4to (303 x 240mm). With 528 coloured plates. Publisher's pictorial gilt cloth, gilt edges (bindings worn).
EUR 14,000
the first botanical book to utilise colour-printed mezzotint successfully
Phytanthoza Iconographia, sive conspectus aliquot millium, tam indigenarum quam exoticarum, ex quatuor mundi partibus... plantarum, arborum, fruticum, florum, fructuum, fungorum, &c. [German title:] Phythanthoza Iconographia, oder eigentliche Vorstellung etlicher Tausend so wohl einheimisch-als ausländischer aus allen vier Welt-Theilen, in Verlauf vieler Jahr mit unermüdetem Fleisz... Pflanzen, Baüme, Stauden, Kraüter, Blumen, Früchte und Schwämme...
Regensburg, H. Lentzen [vol 4: H.G. Neubauer], 1737-45. 4 volumes and 1 index volume. Folio (382 x 250mm). With four engraved titles in red and bla...
EUR 85,000
only 100 copies were printed
The genus Masdevallia.
Issued by the Marquess of Lothian, K.T., chiefly from plants in his collection of orchids at Newbattle Abbey. With additional notes by F.C. Lehmann...
EUR 11,000
only 100 copies were printed
The genus Masdevallia.
Issued by the Marquess of Lothian, K.T., chiefly from plants in his collection of orchids at Newbattle Abbey. With additional notes by F.C. Lehmann...
EUR 11,000
On the growth of the Salmon in Fresh Water. With six coloured illustrations of the fish, of the natural size, exhibiting its character and exact appearance at various stages during the first two years.
London , John van Voorst, 1839. Oblong-folio (310 x 435mm). pp. (2), 3, (1), with 3 fine hand-coloured engraved plates showing 6 salmon. Publisher'...
EUR 1,200
the first work dealing exclusively with birds' eggs and birds' nests
Delle uova e dei nidi degli uccelli libro primo del Conte Giuseppe Zinanni.
Aggiunte in fine alcune osservazioni, con una dissertazione sopra varie spezie di Cavalette. Venezia, A. Bortoli, 1737. 4to (285 x 204 mm). pp. (8)...
EUR 3,900
The plates were newly engraved and superbly hand coloured and more refined than the original German edition
(ZORN, J.).
Afbeeldingen der Artseny-Gewassen met derzelver Nederduitsche en Latynsche beschryvingen.
Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp en Zoon, 1798-1800. 6 volumes. 8vo (220 x 140 mm). With 6 engraved title-vignettes and 600 handcoloured engraved plates. Conte...
EUR 6,500