Collection de 24 Bouquets de Fleurs. Dessinés et gravés d'après nature...

Eur 8,000 / USD 8,400
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Paris, chez l'éditeur, 1835. 4to (280 x 210mm). With a fine pictorial title and 24 plates, all stipple engravings, printed in colour with extensive hand-finishing, engraved by Lambert after drawings by Madame H. Vincent. Contemporary calf-backed boards, spine gilt.

Madame Henriette Vincent (1786-1830) pupil of Van Spaendonck and Redouté

Very scarce suite of plates of floral bouquets by Madame Henriette Vincent (1786-1830) pupil of Van Spaendonck and Redouté, the most famous flower painters of the period. This fine suite of plates is very much in the tradition of their best work. The plates are stipple engraved and printed in colours with fine handfinishing. 'Two other pupils of van Spaendonck, madame Vincent and Antoine Chazal, used colour printed stipple engravings to noteworthy advantage. Each is responsible for one work whose plates are rather small but of such consummate loveliness that they enhance the reputation and distinction of the French school' (Dunthorne p. 34). Madame Vincent exhibited flowers in watercolours at the 1814, 1819, 1822 and 1824 Paris Salon. Dunthorne 322 quotes only an incomplete copy with 22 plates. Not in any of the usual bibliographies.The followings flowers are shown: Rose de Provins, Rose blanche, Campanules, Pois de Santeur; Campanules bleu et blanc, Lys St. Jacques; Rose Capucine, Narcisse, Réséda, Chrisantemun; Renoncules, Jacinthe Phlox; Coquelicot Double, Pensée; Tulipe Capucine; Rose à cent feuilles, Pavot, Narcisse; Rose Blanche, Jiroflée; Tigridia Pavonia, Immortelle; Rose à cent feuilles, Reine Marguerite, Narcisse; Oeillet, Bouton d'or Double; Soleil vivace, Myosotis; Reine Marguerite, Fuschia; Campanules Doubles, Jasmin; Belle de Jour, Coquelourde; Rose Ponpon, Iris; Rose Jaune du Levant, Grande Pensée des Alpes; Lys du Japon, Taraspic; Althoea, Glaïeul; Lys blanc, Rose à cent feuilles; Lys Orangé, Ephémere de Virginie; Oreille-d'Ours, Lys-pompon, Muguet; Anémone, Oeillet Dinde; Rose de Provins, Belle de jour.