Abbildung aller Oekonomischen Pflanzen. Siebenter Band.

Eur 1,000 / USD 1,000
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Stuttgart, gedruckt in der Herzoglichen Buchdrukerei, 1794. 4to (290 x 235mm). With hand-coloured engraved title vignette and 100 fine hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary half green calf, spine with 2 red gilt lettered labels.

The work was published in 8 volumes from 1786-1796, of which we offer the 7th volume. The lower margins of the first 5 leaves have been cut away without loss of text. An attractive and rare work on 'economic' plants, including fruit, herbs, food plants, plants used in medicine, dyeing, etc. The plates were drawn and etched by the author (1755-1830), a botanist and botanical artist at the Württemberg Carl's Universität, Stuttgart. According to the list of subscribers only 100 copies were issued. The plates are in mint condition.

Dunthorne 164; Great Flower Books p. 62; Nissen BBI, 1034