Philosophia Entomologica sistens scientiae fundamenta adiectis definitionibus, exemplis, observationibus adumbrationibus.

Eur 750 / USD 750
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Hamburgi et Kilonii, C.E. Bohnii, 1778. 8vo (200 x 120mm). pp. (12), 178, with title-vignette. Newhalf calf, gilt lettered spine.

In his works Fabricius described many Australian and New Zealand insects brought back by Captain Cook's around -the-world voyages

Scarce work of this famous entomologist. Fabricius was one of the most famous pupils of Linnaeus, with whom he formed a lifelong friendship. He greatly increased the knowledge of entomology and gained a wide reputation abroad. "Fabricius's (1778) 'Philosophia Entomologica' was the first textbook of entomology and introduced an improved classification based on mouthparts; this kept natural groups together that Linnaeus's system had separated according to wing structures. Fabricius's small book also covered theoretical principles of study, nomenclature, description, and classification" (Damkaer, The Copepodologist's cabinet p. 69).

Horn-Schenkling 6197.