Genera Insectorum Linnaei et Fabricii iconibus illustrata.
Eur 850 / USD 850
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Vitoduri Helvetorum, H. Steiner et Socios, 1789. 4to (275 x 215mm). pp. viii, 86, (4), with 1 engraved title-vignette and 37 engraved plates. New half calf, marbled sides.
First and only edition of this attractive Swiss publication on entomology. The work was published with plain, as in the present copy, or coloured plates. The fine plates were drawn and engraved by the famous Swiss artist J.R. Schellenberg, being an entomologist himself. He illustrated a number of botanical and entomological works and became most famous for his elaborate drawings showing the smallest details. The author wrote the following about him: "Eben dieser Schellenberg hat ... eine erstaunliche Menge von Insecten nach der Natur gezeichnet und gemahlt ... Richtigkeit der Zeichnung, Leben und das herrlichste Colorit scheinen da mit einander um die Palme streiten zu wollen. Auch die vielen in Kupfer gestochene Insecten-Abbildungen, die wir von ihm haben, zeugen von seiner Kunst, ..." (Thanner p. 144).
Horn & Schenkling 18262; Nissen ZBI, 3462.