Esperienze intorno alla generazione degl'Insetti fatte da Francesco Redi Accademico della Crusca, e da lui scritte in una lettera all'illustrissimo signor Carlo Dati. Terza impressione.

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Firenze, F. Onofri, 1674. 4to (235 x 162mm). pp. (4), 136, title-page with engraved vignette, 2 engravings in the text and 39 (some folded) engraved plates. Contemporary vellum.

Third edition, the first edition was published in 1668. "Redi's masterpiece is considered to be 'Esperienze intorno alla generazione degl'Insetti' (1668), in which he disproved the doctrine of spontaneous generation in insects, inherited from Aristotle and still considered dogma. The microscope revealed in insects an organization as marvelous as it was unsuspected. Redi prepared and observed the egg-producing apparatus in insects, and he also used the microscope to good advantage in observing the morphological elements characteristic of the eggs of each species" (DSB XI, p. 341).

D. Pandi, Bibl. delle opere di F. Redi p. 3 'Raro'; Nissen ZBI, 3319.