Osservazioni postume di Zoologia Adriatica.
Eur 3,200 / USD 3,500
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Pubblicate per cura dell' I.R. Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti a studio del G. Meneghini. Venezia, G. Cecchini, 1847. Large-Folio (510 x 370mm). pp. ix, (1), 120, (2), with 16 colour-printed engraved plates accompanied by 15 engraved key-plates. Original printed stiff boards (paper repair to frontcover).
printed in an edition of 50 copies only
A superbly printed book with stipple engraved colour-printed plates in very delicate tones. Most of the plates were engraved after drawings by the author and show lower invertebrates. The book is one of the rarest Italian zoological works, and was printed in an edition of 50 copies only. Junk in his book '50 Jahre Antiquar' discusses the work in the chapter 'Die zu kleinen Auflagen'. The engraved key plate to plate 15 was never published. Stefano Andrea Renier(va) (1759-1830) belonged to one of the oldest Venetian families and taught natural history at the University of Padua. The book was posthumously published by Giuseppe Meneghini.
B.M.(N.H.) V, 2202; Nissen ZBI, 3364.