A Complete Dictionary of Practical Gardening: comprehending all the modern improvements in the art; whether in the raising of the various esculent vegetables, or in the forcing and managing of different sorts of fruits and plants ... from original drawings by Sydenham Edwards.
Eur 4,200 / USD 4,400
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London, G. Kearsley, 1807. 2 volumes. 4to (265 x 205mm). With 61 beautifully handcoloured engraved plates and 13 engraved plates of instruments etc. Contemporary black calf, spines with 5 raised bands, gilt ornaments and lettering, gilt edges.
rightly famous for its large decorative plates showing flowers only
Nissen BBI, 479; Great Flower Books, p. 66. A beautifully illustrated work which is rightly famous for its large decorative plates showing flowers only, of which many American. The work was written in fact by R.W. Dickson using McDonald as pseudonym. Sydenham Edwards (1768-1819) one of the most famous of the English botanical artists was trained by William Curtis and became principal artist for the 'Botanical Magazine' until he resigned to found the 'Botanical Register'.