The art of drawing and colouring from nature Flowers, Fruit, and Shells; to which is added, correct directions for preparing the most brilliant colours for painting on velvet, with the mode of using them; also, the new method of oriental tinting.
Eur 1,400 / USD 1,400
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London, I.T. Hinton, 1829. 4to (265 x 212mm). pp. (4), 96, with 24 lithographed plates in 2 states,one fineley handcoloured and the other one plain. Contemporary half calf, marbled sides (neat repair to hinges).
An interesting work on how to paint and draw flowers
An interesting work on how to paint and draw flowers and a typical book of the period. It gives long desriptions for colouring each plates. The plates show amongst others China Aster, South American Passion flowers, Tulip, Hyacinth etc.
Dunthorne 331; Nissen BBI, 2138.