Magyar Ornithologiai Központ. Magyarország Madarai különös tekintettel gazdasági jelentöségökre.

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Budapest 1899. 2 volumes (282 x 200mm). pp. xxiv, 187; xix, 830, with 56 lithographed plates of which 51 chromo-lithographed and numerous figures in the text. Publisher's cloth.

The first work on Hungarian birds in the Hungarian language

The first work on Hungarian birds in the Hungarian language. István Chernel (1865-1922) was a prominent Hungarian ornithologist and editor of the periodical 'Aquila'. His main work 'Birds of Hungary' was published in 1899. The first volume is about the role of birds, their place in nature and their anatomy. The second volume expounds the taxonomy of birds and deals with all the bird species of the country. Beside their Hungarian and Latin names the author gives their popular names and describes their behaviour. This work is the result of 22 years of collecting and research. The fine plates are by Stef v. Nécsey and Jul. v. Háry, chromolithographed by Czettel and Deutch, Budapest.

Nissen IVB 195; Wood p. 288.