Natuurkundige Naspeuringen op proef- en waerneemingen ... Groey der planten ... wonderbare versteeningen van verscheide lighamen; De wording van het Corael,
Eur 400 / USD 400
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de Star-steenen, de Mynstoffige Bezoar en het verschil van deeze met de dierlijke, de versteende Vis-tanden, Ammon-hoorn, Schelpen, enz... Brandende en vuurbrakende bergen; Inzonderheid van den Etna... alles vervat in verscheide brieven tusschen den Heer Paul Boccone, die van de Koninglijke Societeit der Weetenschappen te Londen, en de grootste geleerden van Europa als Professor Ruysch, Swammerdam, en andere gewisselt. Amsterdam, Steeve van Esveldt, 1744. Small 8vo. pp. (6), 293, (1), with engraved frontispiece and 16 (2 folded) engraved plates. Old boards.
Most probably the first edition in the Dutch language of Boccone's epistolary essays on wonders of geology, paleontology, zoology, and the plants of Sicily. The letters, written to various savants throughout Europe, including Steno, Redi, Hooke, Grew and John Ray, cover a variety of topics, including corals, ammonites, petrified shark' teeth, the bezoar stone, the eruption of Mount Etna, shells etc. The work also includes a catalogue of rare plants of Sicily. He was later to establish himself as a pioneer botanist of Sicilian flora. See Hunt 330.