Afbeeldingen der Artseny-Gewassen met derzelver Nederduitsche en Latynsche beschryvingen.
Eur 6,500 / USD 7,100
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Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp en Zoon, 1798-1800. 6 volumes. 8vo (220 x 140 mm). With 6 engraved title-vignettes and 600 handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporary half calf, gilt spines with red and green gilt-lettered labels.
The plates were newly engraved and superbly hand coloured and more refined than the original German edition
Dutch edition of Zorn's well-known "Icones Plantarum Medicinalium". The work was published by the famous publishers J.C. Sepp en Zoon. The plates were newly engraved and superbly hand coloured and more refined than the original German edition. The publishing house Sepp & Zoon, was a firm which exercised the utmost care in producing colour-plate books of outstanding quality. The text was greatly modified given for example the location where the plant was growing in the Netherlands. For example plate 11 Kruipend Senegroen 'Bloeitijd in de maand Maij in vochtige weilanden en langs wegen bij Amsterdam en Haarlem?'. Plate 61 Gewone Hijsop 'Bloeitijd Augustus, veelal op de muren gelijk te Harderwijk op de muur van 't choor der vervallen Broederen Kerk?' At the end of the introduction of the first volume the editor states that this Dutch edition is completely renewed and that only the subject remained 'waarvan thands bijna niets meer dan allen het Onderwerp is overig gebleven'.
Vol. I was edited by D.L. Oskamp, vols. 2-3 by M. Houttuyn and vols. 4-6 by J.C. Krauss. Text printed in double columns in Dutch and Latin. Each of the volumes contains systematical registers (in Dutch and Latin), arranged after Linné. Moreover the last volume contains systematical and alphabetical indices to the whole work. A very good clean set of this beautifully illustrated and handsomely handcoloured work on medical plants.
Nissen BBI, 2203; Stafleu & Cowan 18.747.